Sunday, August 31, 2008

Following Jesus

The Bible says that all who follow Jesus must be prepared to suffer like He did (Mark 8:34-35). How many of us are in touch with this sobering reality when we supposedly choose Christ?

I suspect that most people choose Christ because they don't want to burn in hell - and not because they know who He is or are attracted to Him or His ways. Does this make such "decisions for Christ" selfish?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

On Suffering

Suffering comes from a few distinct sources:

1. A direct result of our own sin.
2. Caused by our foolishness and/or ignorance.
3. The result of living in a fallen world filled with broken people.
4. The result of God's punishment (which is meant for good).
5. The result of someone else's sin, foolishness or ignorance.
6. "Mother Nature."

I wonder if we can discern the difference. I wonder if we should even try.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Christians & Jews

The Christian church does not cancel the Jewish heritage or faith. Rather it fulfills it. Thus Jews who turn to Jesus Christ become "completed Jews."

If this is true, why aren't Christians and Jews getting along better than we do?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sincere Love

A self-centered person can not truly love others. This is because sincere love involves selfless giving. So to get to true love, one must be able to set self aside.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Organizational Leadership

In any organization - a church, a business, government or just a family - the climate comes from the top. The people become like their leaders. So, for example, if the wicked are in charge, sin will prevail.

Public morality is impossible without knowledge of God. He is the only source of truth and knowledge about what is right and wrong. so if the leaders don't know Him - or don't consult Him, they'll themselves be deceived about their own leadership - and so will the people that follow them.

People in leadership who anesthetize themselves with alcohol or other vices will eventually compromise their own principles. The fact that they are willing to turn to vices like alcohol or sex proves their selfishness and self-centeredness above all else.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Excuses & Desire

To keep your excuses from making you useless - stop making useless excuses.

Human desire is never satisfied. So don't waste any time trying to satisfy it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Old Age

Today is a milestone birthday for me. I'm finding that old age isn't nearly as intimidating as I had expected. It isn't prophecy ... but an observation.

When I was a young man, old age was something to dread. It seemed to be an enemy. But apparently experience gives one the opportunity to make peace with old age. Now it seems like a familiar friend that I'm extremely comfortable with. I wonder how that happened.

Fools & Proverbs

A fool will not feel the sting of a proverb because he or she does not see how it applies to his or her life. Instead of taking it to heart, they will think of someone else whom they are sure it applies to.

What are you doing with the proverbs you're reading?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Issues & Gossip

When we have an issue with someone else, lack of self confidence often moves us to discuss it with third parties before we discuss it with them. When we do this, however, we are probably sincere in seeking to check our thinking with those whom we consult. Still, it looks like gossip. And the more people we consult - the more like gossip it becomes.

Proverbs 25:7-9 tells us to address the issue directly with our target without telling anyone else.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Gaining Knowledge

The people who are most likely to gain knowledge are those who are most willing to listen. It is a sign of strength to be a good listener.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Common Transformation

It is a fact of human nature that people tend to become like those with whom they spend a lot of time. Who are you spending time with?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Generous People

Generous people aren't always faithful to God. However, truly faithful people are always generous.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Team Leader?

the very skills and behaviors that make someone a good team player sometimes also make that same person a very poor leader.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Borrowing Money

A loan that you can easily handle is enabling. However, a loan that you cannot easily handle is enslaving. You should know the difference before you become a borrower.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Spending Money

Anyone who spends all that he (or she) has is really spending more than they can afford. How much are you spending?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Learning from Mistakes

It is usually better to learn from the mistakes of others than to learn from our own. Whose mistakes are you learning from? How much learning do you take from the mistakes of others versus the mistakes of your own?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

On Gossip

Even if you do not originate gossip, you become responsible when you pass it along. this is especially the case if the gossip isn't true. You may unknowingly be passing along a lie - and you are responsible for that.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Understanding Things

There are some things in life that we will not understand until much later. there are other things that we will never understand.

No one can say which things are which because there is a third category of things - those that we may be able to understand - but which are adept at eluding our understanding. It may take research and hard work to understand this third category of things. It may also take much time.

Finally, there is a fourth category of things that is even more troublesome. These are the things which can be understood, but which are ultimately able to evade our understanding them no matter how much work or time we put into it.

How much work then should we apply to understanding? How do we assess the value of understanding and prioritize it based on the likely ROI?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wisdom & Understanding?

Wisdom and understanding are not the same thing. But how are they related? I can understand a situation - but have no wisdom about it.

Conversely, could I have wisdom about anything which I don't understand? Many times teen-agers say to their parents, "You don't understand!" And that may be so. Would that also mean that the parents have no wisdom (about their children or the subject at hand)?

Does experience differentiate wisdom and understanding? Or maybe God is the only differentiator. How does one apply wisdom to understanding? What should one do when we have one without the other?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Living in Peace

To live in peace for generations, God's people must learn to respect and submit to authority. They must also respect and learn to build strong families.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Making Decisions

There are three basic principles for making sound decisions:

1. Get the facts before answering. Be informed - and not ignorant.

2. Be open to new ideas. Think outside the box. Don't allow status quo to be your guide.

3. Make sure you hear both sides (or all sides) of the story before judging or reaching any conclusion. Remember that perspectives are human - and therefore flawed.

These three principles all center around seeking additional information - which is hard work.

The only alternative, however, is prejudice - which is simply judging, making decisions or drawing conclusions ... without the facts.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Pain & Misery

Pain and misery are not the same thing. Misery is the choice we make - what we make of the pain that is natural to all of life. I may experience pain. But I can decide about misery. It is a choice.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Human Logic

God doesn't always follow human logic. In fact, much of what will be right in God's eyes will not line up with human logic or reasoning. What does that tell you about human logic?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Lonely in Crowds

Being in a crowd usually just makes people more aware of their isolation. Feeling lonely? Don't immerse yourself in a crowd!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Knowing Friends

There is a vast difference between knowing someone well and being a true friend to them.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Finding Fault

It is not at all difficult to find fault in others. However, as Christ-followers, we must be willing to disregard the faults of others.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Love To Argue?

Anyone who loves to quarrel loves sin.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Proud People

Proud people seldom can see that pride is their problem. At the same time, humble people seldom can see that humility is their virtue.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Evil's Fate

Evil is just a temporary condition of the world. One day God will remove it. Don't ever forget that.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Work Life

As Christ-followers, we must maintain a delicate balance of trusting god with our work as if everything depended on Him - but engaging (working) as if everything depended on us.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

On Rationalizing

People can actually rationalize (and justify) absolutely anything - if they have no standards for judging right and wrong.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Right Answers

Proverbs 16:1 says that we can gather (or process) our thoughts, but (only) the Lord gives the right answer. I believe this means that as a computer, my brain is incapable of processing my thinking accurately. My thinking processes are too flawed to be dependable.