Sunday, May 31, 2009

Discipline Children

Children need discipline - especially those with natural abilities and good looks. Otherwise they will grow up being deceived by what their talents and looks mean - and believe that they can do whatever they want.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Balancing LIfe

There must be a balance in life between our actions and our faith in God. We should use our minds and our resources to obey God. But we should also trust God for the results. I am never responsible for the results; I am only responsible for my obedience.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Forgiveness Foundations

It takes courage to lay aside hatred and hurt, and to respect the positive side of another who has offended us. But this is the foundation on which forgiveness is built.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Stealing Joy

When sin dominates our lives, even God given joys seem empty. What sins can dominate the lives of a Christ-follower? Only those that are not appropriately dealt with (i.e., confessed to God, confessed to a trustworthy human and effectively turned from).

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Learning Types

Many people brag that they are "experiential learners" and learn by doing. Even schools and professional educators will commonly refer to this as a learning style. But this isn't such a good thing if we lean into it. Don't insist on learing all of life's lessons through personal experience. Instead, learn what lessons history has already taught. Those who proudly claim to be "experiential learners" are really just telling you how foolish they are - because they are leaving most of life's lessons on the table - refusing to learn what they can't personally experience.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Truth Filters

One piece of truth will affect many people in different ways, because we each run it through our own filters of experience and perception. When we do, we each may understand it differently. But one must ask his or her self whether truth can really have different meanings and still be truth. Our filters of experience and perception can distort the truth.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Asking God

When our motives are pure, we shouldn't hesitate to ask great things of God. But when we do ask for great power or ability, we need to examine our desires and get rid of any selfishness or other character defects that may be operating in that request.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Self Development

We tend to become what we worship. We worship whatever it is that we focus on and spend time with. We tend to become who we follow. What are you focused on and whom are you following?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Self Centered

When people fail to see or understand how fortunate they are - and when they begin to take God's provision and His gifts for granted - they become self-centered. In fact, ingratitude is the platform on which self-centeredness is built. And self-centeredness is like a self perpetuating disease that feeds on itself. Left unchecked, unconfronted - it just grows and wields more power over us.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Smart vs. Wise

A smart man usually gets (seeks) a lot of advice. A wise man evaluates the advice he gets against the context of God's Word, God's will, God's character and nature.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lying To Ourselves

We have a huge capacity to lie to ourselves. We do it by convincing ourselves of things that aren't really true. We do it by avoiding the truth that we already know. But God provides two safeguards against such self-deception. His Word and true friends are both things God intentionally puts in our lives to help us stay grounded in truth. Each has the ability to help us see beyond ourselves - if we will constantly seek them out and listen to them.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Love and Lust

Love and lust are very different in nature.

Love is patient - while lust requires immediate satisfaction.
Love is kind - but lust can be very harsh.
Love does not demand its own way - but lust is selfish.

Lust may feel like love, but when physically expressed it results in disgust for yourself and hatred of the other person. If you just can't wait - then what you feel is not love. It is selfish lust demanding immediate gratification.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Temptation's Root

At the root of most temptation to sin is a real need or desire. The thing is that those needs or desires can all be quenched by God. He can fill the need or the desire - or He can take it away from us supernaturally. But some of the desires are ones that He put there. And some of those can only be filled by God Himself.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Making Your Point

When you need to make a point, look for creative, God-honoring ways to do so. It will have a more significant impact.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Difficult Listening

Quite often we hear things that are difficult to listen to. We don't understand that they are nonetheless true - because we are not really seeking truth. (In fact, we may be wishing to avoid it!) Instead, we are more focused on finding support for our own views and perspectives. So tell me, if it provided that - do you really think it would be difficult to listen to?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Worshipping Images

Worshipping images of God is not the same as worshipping God, even if it resembles true worship in some ways. By the same token, respecting images of God and treating them as sacred is not the same as showing respect for God and treating Him with reverence.

Finding Fault

The characteristics that we condemn in others are often our own character defects. We can become so insensitive to our own sin that we only see it in others. A repentant, loving, humble heart is the preventive medicine for this.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Church Reasons

Some people go to church for selfish reasons. They go to feel better, be accepted, relieve guilt, gain business contacts or friends, etc. This is sin.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

True Friendship

The marks of a true friendship, on its deepest level, are that we encourage each other's faith in God, trust each other with our deepest thoughts and closest confidences. They are that we love each other unconditionally - and never, ever give thought to self in the relationship.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

True Humility

True humility is not convincing yourself that you are worthless. Rather it is recognizing who you are in Christ. It is living with God's perspective on your accomplishments and qualities, and acknowledging the extent of His grace in you.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Right & Wrong

We sometimes face situations where our only options seem wrong. When that happens, we must look for more choices - ones that better align with the character and nature of God.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Opportunity's Source

Not every opportunity is sent from God. We may want something so much that we assume any opportunity to obtain it comes from God. But our selfish will can cloud our view of God's will. When opportunities come our way, we need to first check our motives to ensure that they are aligned with God's nature and character. (And we may need the help of godly people to do that!) Only then can we be certain that the opportunity reflects God's will and provision for us.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Love's Desires

Our love leads us to identify with the desires of those we care most about. This is true in our relationships with our spouse, our children, our parents and our best friends. It is even more true in our relationships with God. The greater my love for God - the greater my ability to identify with His desires.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Relationship Complexity

If I attempt to settle the conflicting demands of my human relationships on a human level, I will always encounter a sense of betrayal.

But if my loyalty is to God, my choices will be much clearer. God's truth brings light to all my decisions. And I am no longer dependent on other people to make me feel secure.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Life's Complexities

It is our relationship with God that enables us to deal effectively with the complexities of life. My loyalty to God guides me through the conflicting demands of human relationships. Yes, life is complex. God simplifies it though - if only I will let Him.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

On Loyalty

Loyalty is one of life's most costly qualities. It is the most selfless part of love. Loyal people not only stand by their commitments - but they are willing to suffer for them.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Selective Obedience

Selective obedience is just another form of disobedience. We are deceived if we think we can pick and choose which things we'll obey - and then call it obedience. True obedience doesn't get to pick and choose; it just does.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Spiritual Character

What we do as leaders is often a direct result of our spiritual health. Spiritual character cannot be ignored in effective leadership.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Obedience & Sacrifice

Obedience to God always involves sacrifice. But sacrifice is not always obedience.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Legally Innocent

We may be legally innocent of a crime or sin. But sometimes we are morally guilty and need to confess that and ask God's forgiveness anyway. Just because you didn't get caught; just because you didn't break a rule ... doesn't mean you aren't guilty of sin.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Listening vs. Obeying

Often we listen to something, but then we don't do anything about it. Think of when you're trying to persuade someone to change their behavior. What do you say? Often we say something like, "Are you listening to me?" What we really mean though is, "Are you going to do what I say?"

It works the same way with God. He sees a pattern in us. It looks like this.

Listening = absorbing and accepting information (about God or His ways)
Learning = understanding its meaning and implications
Obeying = putting into action all we have learned and understood

So the problem with most people who identify themselves as Christians is that we listen, but move no further up the scale. Even when we do get to the learning level, we think we're spiritually mature and become content. But the real spiritual maturity is when we move on up to the final level of obeying. What level are you at?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sanctification Dilemma

Being born again (in the Holy Spirit) only takes a moment. But becoming like Christ takes a lifetime. It is that simple.

But there is great tension in the Christian experience. We agree with God's commands --- but we cannot follow them. As a result, we are painfully aware of our own sin (way more than non-Christians). We know that we are hypocrites --- and we don't like it any better than those who are watching us do.

It is the process of sanctification. It is the character and nature of sanctification.