Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Modern Maturity

Maturity is being able to live in the real world (of problems) without losing sight of the hope that we have in Christ Jesus.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Enough Forgiveness

God has not only forgiven me - but He has provided me with all of the forgiveness that I would ever really need.  (So it doesn't really matter if people refuse to forgive me.)   I can obediently make my amends to those from whom I want forgiveness.  But my victorious living isn't dependent on their granting me that forgiveness. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Stages of Belief

Generally speaking, there tend to be four (4) distinct phases of belief.  It is through these phases that we each acquire our most significant belief systems in life. 

1.  It is too absurd to be true.  It's impossible to believe.  Doesn't make sense.

2.  I'm investigating and considering the facts, but am still puzzled --- and not convinced.

3.  Personal experience occurs; a personal encounter with the truth causes me to accept the facts as truth.  I'm no longer puzzled or confused about the matter.

4.  Because of my conviction, I now commit myself to the truth and begin to behave differently as a result of what I now believe.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Taking Charge

Often times we find ourselves in difficult situations where it is tempting to take matters into our own hands and force the issue.  Most often, such moves lead to sin though.  The more perplexing the dilemma, the more important it is that I first turn to God and ask Him to lead my response.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Holy & Righteous

When I confess my sins to God, He not only forgives me, but He declares me to be holy and righteous.  That is not because of what I've done or not done.  Rather it is because of who God is.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sin of Unbelief

According to Jesus, not believing in Him is a sin!  (John 16:8-9 NLT)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Holy Spirit's Role

Jesus calls the Holy Spirit both a "Counselor" and a "Spirit of Truth."  He is both.  The "Counselor" encourages, helps, and strengthens us.  His "Spirit of Truth" teaches, illuminates, and reminds us of the truth that God has revealed to us through His Word, through other people and yes, even through His Spirit.