Sunday, November 9, 2008

World Peace

You've often heard someone (usually beauty pageant contestants) talk about their wish for "world peace." We hear Christians and other religious people admonish us to pray for world peace. The thing is, I don't believe these folks really comprehend what they're asking for.

We often think of peace as the absence of conflict. It is not. Especially for a Christian, peace is much more. First of all, the Christian understands that broken people living in a fallen world are bound to have differences. So he or she knows that an absence of conflict just isn't something that's going to happen no matter how hard we wish or pray. But for a true Christ-follower, peace is completeness, health, justice, prosperity and protection. The world cannot provide these things. In fact the world doesn't want to provide these things!

Real peace only comes from faith in God and relationship with a loving God. The Bible calls this "peace that transcends understanding." It is peace that makes no sense, actually. And it exists in the midst of conflict and chaos. So to find peace of mind (i.e., peace with our circumstances) and peace with each other, one must first find peace with God.