Monday, November 10, 2008

On Doubt

Doubt is a spirit and hope destroying aspect of humanity. It gets fed with unanswered questions. Some people choose to live with their doubts, ignoring them and moving on with life as best they can. Others become cynical and hardened - bitter because of their doubt. They want to believe but the unanswered questions are just too intimidating and so they succumb - never living what they can't believe.

But there are those who reject these options and continue to ask. They understand that doubt is something to be challenged and wrestled with. They confront the unanswered questions and continue seeking answers. It may take the rest of their lives - but ultimately they know that God will lead them to the answers. They trust in that ultimate provision from God. They realize that ambiguity is never permanent for Christ-followers.

No, He has never been a God of unanswered questions. He just asks us to live a life with them for now. Truly trusting in God means truly believing that all questions have answers and that one day those who maintain hope will find the answers. So truly trusting in God leads each of us to a quiet, peaceful hope. The unanswered questions and doubts don't create bitter, cynical resignation. Rather they create intrigue and anticipation about when and how God might answer them!