Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Pray

The kind of prayer that moves mountains is prayer for the fruitfulness of God's Kingdom. God can do the impossible. (In fact, He delights in that!) God will answer my prayers, but not as a result of my positive mental attitude. Other conditions must be met for prayer to be answered.

1. I must be a believer and Christ-follower.
2. I must be reconciled in all of my relationships.
3. I must not have unconfessed sin in my life.
4. I must not pray with selfish motives.
5. My request must be for the good of God's Kingdom.
6. I must pray with expectation.

So to pray effectively, I need faith in God, and not faith in the object of my request. If I focus only on my request, then I will be left with nothing if the request is denied.