Monday, August 23, 2010

Wrestling Truth

Christians - more than anyone else - should wrestle with beliefs. We must each get to a black-and-white understanding of everything. If we are looking for God's perspective on anything, that would be His perspective - black-and-white. There are no gray areas with God. There's no relativity. No questions about what's true or what's right - and what's not.

Most of us move toward God's perspective on things by asking Him to help us see, hear and think His way. We can also ask ourselves four (4) important questions as we wrestle with a belief.

1. Are there important facts that I am overlooking - or could there be important facts that I'm unaware of?
2. Is there any personal motive for me to take one position or another on this?
3. Does this conflict in any way with Scripture? Does Scripture support the position I want to take on this?
4. Ar there any Biblical parallels that would help me know what to believe?