Friday, February 6, 2009


Humility has an odd character about it. Mostly it allows us to be content with God's leading in our lives. Much has been written about humility in the Christian life. But I think most of what has been written has missed the most important aspect of humility's nature. We try to put worldly definitions on humility, but it refuses to submit itself to those definitions. No, humility has a mind of its own. As some will joke, "If you think you're humble - then you're not." That much is true. But the more overlooked aspect of humility are the friends that it brings with it: peace, love, submissiveness, thoughtfulness, unselfishness, generosity, mercy, joy, and others. It is as if humility were the driver of the bus, and all these other virtues were the riders on the bus. Without humility, none of them would ever get there.